
Voice of Okinawa and Ryukyu

20 Oct. 2023

Voice of Okinawa and Ryukyu


 Dear All,

 Our purpose is to make the voice of the citizens of Okinawa and the Ryukyu Arc known to the world. Currently, the Japanese government is emphasizing the "Taiwan contingency" and building a series of Self-Defense Forces bases and missile bases in  the islands of the Ryukyu Arc near Taiwan and China. This is in order to implement its policy of confronting China by integrating with U.S. bases and U.S. forces.

 In response to this, the residents and citizens of the Ryukyu Arc islands have been voicing a loud cry of "Don't repeat the Battle of Okinawa again!” Citizens' groups have been formed in various places and are becoming more and more active in the movement against militarization and war, for peace and human rights, for safe living, and for rich  nature. In the Battle of Okinawa, more than 120,000 civilians were killed between 1944 and 1945, more than the approximately 100,000 military personnel. We must not forget this fact.

 However, the current militarization of Okinawa and the Ryukyu arc, which can be called the "new prewar" situation, is hardly reported by the mainland Japanese media and is unknown even overseas. Despite the growing international interest in the "Taiwan contingency," too little is being communicated from Japan.

 Therefore, we are organizing a series of lectures to bring the voices of Okinawan citizens to the media, organizations, and citizens in mainland Japan and abroad. The first of these lectures will be held at the University of Okinawa on Sunday, November 12, and will be transmitted online to mainland Japan and overseas. On the day before, a bus tour of military bases on Okinawa Island will be conducted. More details can be found in the attached flyer. We hope many people will be interested and participate. Thank you.


Flyer : https://info200921.wixsite.com/ryukyusvoice



Voice of Okinawa and Ryukyu

Co-Representatives : Yoshiyasu Iha, Kunitoshi Sakurai, Miho Tambara 

    Contact person : Makiko Segawa

       Tel : +8180-3255-8869
